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How you can help QuickBooks Protect Your Data

Your customer list is gold. 这就是为什么保护你工资单上的社会保障和银行卡号是如此重要, client, 供应商记录来自入侵者,并确保他们只被授权的员工查看.

不仅仅是大公司和手机赌博软件下载排行机构会被黑客攻击. That's what the bad guys want you to think. In reality, 小型企业往往是数据泄露的受害者,因为他们的所有者认为他们可以免受数据盗窃和破坏的影响.

即使你用密码保护你的电脑,运行杀毒软件和反恶意软件, 当涉及到你的会计记录时,你需要做的还有很多. Let's take a closer look.

Restrict access by setting up user permissions.

如果有多名员工使用QuickBooks,请不要共享相同的用户名和密码. 显然,这让每个人都可以访问所有数据和活动. 如果出了问题,你无法知道什么时候、怎么发生的,也不知道谁该为此负责. To protect yourself and everyone else who logs in, 至关重要的是,所有用户都有自己独特的登录. 他们应该只被允许访问与其工作职责有关的信息和功能.


To assign these permission levels, open the Company menu and click on Set Up Users and Passwords, then Set Up Users. This opens the User List window, where you should be identified as the Admin. Click Add User. 为需要访问权限的员工输入用户名和密码(稍后可以更改). Check the box in front of Add this user to my QuickBooks license.

提示:不确定当前的许可证允许多少用户? Click F2 and look in the upper left corner. If you need to add licenses, please call.

Click Next. The next screen lists three options. 您可以授予对所有区域或选定区域的访问权限. 您也可以为我们创建一个登录,作为您的外部会计, 它能让我们看到除了敏感客户数据以外的所有信息. Select the second option and click Next. 你可以在上图中看到,你可以给员工不同级别的责任. When you've made your choice, click Next. 接下来的9个屏幕处理QuickBooks的不同区域及其相关活动.

Tip: When you need to change your password, which you should do at a minimum every three months, go to 公司|设置用户和密码|修改密码.

Save your company file elsewhere.

你应该经常将公司文件备份到外部存储设备(比如CD或u盘)。. To set this up, open the File menu and select Back Up Company, then Create Local Backup. This window will open:

Figure 2: The Create Backup window

Make sure Local backup is selected, then click the Options button below (not pictured here). Click Browse 查看PC的目录并选择正确的目标. Leave the two boxes below it checked; this will add the backup date/time to the filename and limit the number of backup copies to three.

By default, QuickBooks will remind you to back up your file every fourth time you close your company file; you can change this number if you prefer. Leave the Complete verification option checked and click OK, then Next. 指定要保存备份副本的时间,然后单击 Next again. 如果你愿意,你可以在下一个屏幕上定期备份你的公司文件. When you've completed this screen, click Finish.

您还应该考虑将公司文件的副本保存到云上. Intuit offers its own service for this; it costs $9.95/month or $99.95 annually, but it gives you 100 GB of storage space, so you can back up other critical business files, too. If you can't swing this financially, 至少将备份存储在可以随身携带的便携式设备上.

警告:如果您已经从其他供应商处支付了云存储费用, 不要以为你可以复制你的QuickBooks文件到它. Please call if you have questions about this.

Other Steps


  • Insist on strong passwords. Yes, itâ??创建和记住它们是一件痛苦的事情,但在这里它是至关重要的.
  • Keep everything updated. 这包括你的操作系统和任何其他需要更新的东西.
  • 尽量减少在工作电脑上浏览网页,并提醒员工明智地使用电子邮件.
  • 而软件的说明是直截了当的关于建立任何类型的备份系统的QuickBooks, 如果您担心危及您公司档案的完整性,请不要犹豫打电话.

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