

QuickBooks的技巧 > 设置和自定义提示 > 你需要一个更强大的QuickBooks版本吗?


If QuickBooks were just one product, its appeal would be more limited than it is. Because there's an entire family of Windows desktop software applications (as well as five online versions 和 a Mac edition), the QuickBooks family has found a home in millions of small businesses, 它仍然是市场的领导者.

Though QuickBooks versions themselves are not scalable (able to exp和 as your business grows), you can move up to a more sophisticated edition when you outgrow your current version.

But how do you know whether it's time to upgrade or whether you're just not stretching your current version to its fullest capabilities? 我们可以帮你确定, 和 we'll help you move into a more appropriate edition when/if that occurs.


QuickBooks有三个基于windows的版本: 亲,国务院总理企业解决方案. 他们都让你:

  • 导入和导出数据

Figure 1: All desktop versions of QuickBooks let you import 和 export data.

  • 跟踪收入和支出
  • Build 和 maintain records for customers, 供应商s, employees 和 items
  • Create 和 send transaction forms like invoices, estimates 和 purchase orders
  • Download bank 和 credit card transactions, 和 pay bills online
  • 自定义和运行数十个报告
  • 记录你的物品清单,然后
  • 添加工资处理服务.

All three versions share a similar user interface 和 navigational scheme, 所以当你升到下一级时, 你只需要学习新的功能. The 2013 offerings make it even easier to learn 和 use QuickBooks, since Intuit completely revamped the look 和 feel for those most current editions.

QuickBooks职业 is the base desktop product, offering everything in the above list 和 more. 但是,你是否愿意看到150多个报告,而不是100个, 包括一些特定行业的? QuickBooks总理 可以提供, 除了会计科目表, 为您公司的行业量身定制的示例文件和菜单. It also offers a business plan builder 和 the ability to forecast sales 和 expenses.


The biggest jump in functionality, though, occurs when you move up to QuickBooks企业解决方案. You may want to consider this upgrade when you find that, for example:

  • Your system keeps slowing down 和 experiencing errors because your customer, 供应商, 项目和员工数据库变得太大了
  • You need to have more than five people accessing QuickBooks simultaneously
  • 你创办了第二家公司,或者
  • Your item catalog has grown to the point where you're having trouble managing your multi-location inventory.


QuickBooks企业解决方案 is well-suited to complex small businesses, 有时甚至是更大的公司, 取决于它们的结构和需求. It solves the data management problems that Pro 和 Premier users can experience, 多亏了它的100,000+记录和账户容量.

最多30个人可以同时使用该软件, 和 they have more flexibility than is offered in Pro 和 Premier. Multiple users can be on the system 和 still complete tasks like adjusting inventory 和 changing sales tax rates.

You can manage more than one business using QuickBooks企业解决方案, even working in two company files at the same time 和 combining reports. Reporting capabilities themselves are much more sophisticated: The Intuit Statement Writer helps you create professional financial statements, 和 you have much more control over customization of your output.

Figure 3: QuickBooks企业解决方案 offers more sophisticated inventory management tools than Pro or Premier.

Inventory management goes many steps further in this sophisticated software. It supports management of multiple warehouse 和 trucks, 和 allows transfers among them. Finding specific items is much easier because you can track down to the bin level. 先进先出成本法是平均成本法的替代方法, 和 you can scan items 和 serial numbers directly into QuickBooks企业解决方案, 它能同时追踪序列号和批号.


There are many smaller features that make this application far more powerful than QuickBooks职业 和 Premier ' 和 also a little more difficult to master. 当你觉得时机成熟的时候, we can help you move your current data file into QuickBooks企业解决方案 和 provide training.

It's important that you have the right fit when it comes to your accounting software. So consider your current setup carefully before you decide to move up.

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我们替你保管你的书, so you can get back to the job of running your business 和 generating profits.
We offer payroll solutions that meet your business's needs 和 enable you to spend time doing what you do best--running your company.
We offer a variety of services to help make sure that you are taking full advantage of Quickbooks' many features.
We're here to help you resolve your tax problems 和 put an end to the misery that the IRS can put you through.
We offer one-on-one guidance 和 a comprehensive financial plan that helps manage risk, 提高性能, 确保你的财富长盛不衰.


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