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QuickBooks Tips > Setup and Customization Tips > 在QuickBooks中接收有或没有账单的库存


你可能很高兴看到快递员把你订购的库存物品送过来,因为这意味着你可以把东西寄给客户, but recording the new stock means yet

QuickBooks的工具可以帮助你做到这一点,但你需要确保你使用的表格是正确的. 你会使用两种不同的方式,这取决于你是否收到了账单.

Bill in Hand

不管怎样,你都要从打开 Vendors menu (or clicking the arrow next to Receive Inventory on the home page). If you do have a bill, select 接收物品并输入账单(接收带有账单的库存) on the home page). The Enter Bills screen opens; select your vendor from the drop-down list. 如果您已经输入了一个采购订单,您将看到如下内容:


Click Yes. The Open Purchase Orders window will open displaying a list. 为收到的物品选择PO(s),在其前面放置一个复选标记,然后单击 OK.

Tip: If you accidentally click No,卖方的信息将被填写在 Enter Bills screen, and you can click the Select PO icon in the toolbar.

现在已经在窗口中输入了PO项目信息. 检查表单的准确性,然后保存它.

Of course, if there was no purchase order, 您将输入关于您收到的项目的信息(描述), prices, etc.) in the Enter Bills screen.

Delayed Billing

如果您收到的物品没有账单,您仍然需要提供装运单据. Open the Vendors menu and select Receive Items (or click the arrow next to the Receive Inventory icon on the home page and select Receive Inventory without Bill).

The Create Item Receipts window opens. 通过单击该字段旁边的向下箭头选择供应商. 如果出现有关该供应商现有采购订单的消息,请单击 Yes or No,然后选择适当的POs,或者输入有关您收到的内容的信息.

如果采购订单上已经为特定客户指定了物品,则 Customer 列中将有一个条目,并且在 Billable column. 如果没有采购订单,而你正在输入信息, 您可以手动完成这两个字段.

图2:如果采购订单已经分配给客户,并且是可计费的, 该信息应该显示在此窗口中.

Enter a reference number if you'd like. The Memo field should already be filled in with Received items (bill to follow), and the Bill Received box should not be checked.

Warning: Be sure that the Items 当您记录实物库存时,TAB会突出显示. 如果有运费或销售税等相关费用,请单击 Expenses tab and enter them there.

Paying Up

当账单来的时候,你已经记录在商品收据上了, you'll use this procedure to pay it:

  • Click Vendors | Enter Bill for Received Items, which opens the Select Item Receipt window.
  • 选择供应商,然后选择正确的物品收据.
  • 注:如果账单对应多个项目收据, 您需要分别将它们转换成账单. 如果收到的某些项目未在“项目收据”中说明,则可以创建新账单.

  • Click the box next to 使用物品收货日期作为帐单日期 如果您希望将其与库存可用性日期相匹配.

  • 图3:您将在此窗口中选择要为其创建账单的采购订单.

  • Click OK. The Enter Bill 屏幕打开,可以像处理任何账单一样进行处理.

Though it may seem like extra work, this last procedure is important, 因为它可以防止您记录相同的库存项目两次.

在这些程序上很容易纠结. 我们希望您开始在QuickBooks中实施库存管理时咨询我们, 或者当你承担一项新任务的时候. 预防错误要比回去修复错误容易得多.

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