

QuickBooks的技巧 > 设置和自定义提示 > 使用QuickBooks管理集合的7种方法


In these trying economic times it's more important than ever to keep a close rein on your accounts receivable. Seemingly no one is immune to sudden changes in financial circumstances, 所以一定要密切关注你的未付发票. There's an inverse relationship between the age of an invoice and your ability to collect on it, 但幸运的是,QuickBooks可以帮助你管理信用风险:

1. 设置提醒

如图所示 图1, QuickBooks can display a reminder window when you open your QuickBooks company:

Choose Company, Reminders, and then click the Set Preferences button.

选择My Preferences选项卡, and then click the Show Reminders List When Opening a Company File on the My Preferences tab.

Click the Company Preferences tab, and choose Show List for Overdue Invoices. 如图所示 图2, you can enter a negative number to be notified of overdue invoices 之前 他们到达了截止日期. 单击OK保存更改.

图1: QuickBooks can show you a list of overdue invoices whenever you open your company.

图2: Enter -3 in the Days after Due Date field to be notified when invoices are within 3 days of their due date or later.

2. 监控客户结余

除了跟踪过期发票, you should also stay abreast of how much credit you've extended to each of your customers. One way to do this is to use the Customer Center whenever you create new invoices:

选择客户, and then Customer Center (you can also click the Customer Center toolbar icon or press Ctrl-J).

如图所示 图3,客户中心列出每个客户的余额总额. You can use this information to determine whether you want to sell additional products or services. You can quickly create an invoice from the Customer Center: select a customer name, 然后按Ctrl-I(如I表示发票).

也显示在 图3,您可以在交易列表中添加Open Balance列. To do so, right-click on the transaction list, and then choose Customize Columns. Choose Open Balance from the Available Columns list, and then click the Add button.

图3: 客户中心可以方便地监控打开的发票.

专家技巧: To sort customer open balances in descending order, click twice on the Balance Total column.

3. 创建过期水印

注意获取消息,如“过期”!或“请付款。!可以增加后续发送的发票副本的影响. 它很容易添加水印到您的发票:

选择客户, and then Create Invoices to display the Create Invoices window.

Click the Customize button on the toobar, and then click the Manage Templates button.

Select an existing invoice, such as Intuit Product Invoice, and then click the Copy button.

使用模板名称字段,如下所示 图4 to assign a name like Overdue Intuit Product Invoice, instead of Copy of: Intuit Product Invoice.

单击OK关闭Manage Templates窗口, and then click the Layout Designer button in the Basic Customization window.


Enter the message you want to add in the Text field, such as OVERDUE!


  • 设置字体名称为Arial Black
  • 设置字体样式为粗体
  • 设置字体大小为60
  • 将字体颜色更改为银色

一旦你设置好字体设置, 单击“确定”关闭字体对话框, 然后单击边框选项卡. 取消单击“顶部”、“左侧”、“右侧”和“底部”,然后单击“确定”.

调整发票上的文本框的大小和位置, 比如在身体的中间部分, 如图所示 图5.


图4: 为新模板指定一个有意义的名称.

图5: 您可以添加一个“过期”! 水印到自定义QuickBooks发票模板.

展望未来, you can choose this template from the list anytime you wish to follow-up on an overdue invoice.

4. 发送邮件跟进

A friendly note can sometimes shake a payment loose on an overdue invoice. 例如,您可以选择报表、客户 & 应收帐款,然后是应收帐款账龄明细. 双击有问题的发票,将其显示在屏幕上, 然后单击工具栏上的“发送”按钮, 哪个看起来像一个带绿箭头的信封.

如图所示 图6,您可以根据自己的喜好更改自定义电子邮件的正文. 如果您通常邮寄打印您的原始发票的副本, then consider changing the default text of the e-mail to make your collections easier.

To do so, click the Edit Default Text button and then make any changes that you like. Do note that these changes won't appear in the 发送 Invoice window until you close it and click the 发送 button again. Click the 发送 Now button to e-mail the invoice copy to your customer.

图6: 自定义默认电子邮件文本以简化发票后续工作.

5. 使用报表

QuickBooks可以很容易地向一个或多个客户发送报表. 选择客户,然后创建语句. 设置所需的选项, 包括与哪个客户或客户联系, 然后选择“打印”或“电子邮件”生成报表.

6. 调整收款报告

催收过期发票时, it's helpful to make sure that your customer is aware of all pending invoices. You can easily tweak this report so that it lists all open invoices:

选择报表、客户 & 应收账款,然后是收款报告.

单击Modify Report按钮,然后单击Filters选项卡.

如图所示 图7,单击日期筛选器,然后选择删除所选筛选器. 对Aging和Due Date过滤器执行相同的操作,然后单击OK.

如图所示 图8,“收款报告”现在显示所有打开的发票. You can click the Memorize button to save this report for future use.

图7: Modify the Collections Report filters to add helpful information to this report.

图8: The resulting report shows all open invoices, as well as contact names and telephone numbers.

7. 接受信用卡

Many business owners avoid accepting credit cards due to the fees involved, which can top 3%. However, 97% of an overdue invoice is far better than 0%, or having to wait even longer to collect.

You can learn about QuickBooks Merchant 服务 by choosing Add Credit Card Processing on the Customers menu in QuickBooks. 或者,考虑像PayPal这样的支付服务(www.贝宝.com),该公司提供免费的 用QuickBooks要钱 向导. Look under the Merchant 服务 section of your PayPal business account.

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