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QuickBooks Tips > Efficiency Tips > QuickBooks为一个更富有成效和繁荣的2023


With the new year well underway, 现在是时候评估一下你的财务状况,并考虑一下你想去哪里 like to be. 如果你已经能够使用上个月提供的指导, 你的应收账款和应付账款应该是最新的.

As you may have discovered, 在QuickBooks中运行相关报告,并与客户和供应商进行沟通,这对履行这些义务大有帮助——但你可以为来年做更多的准备. For example:

  • 如果你已经设定了销售目标,QuickBooks可以帮助你跟踪这些目标.
  • If you are looking to bring in new customers, 你可以让他们知道你可以为他们做什么,以及通过复习QuickBooks的估算工具提前为他们做多少.
  • Uncertain about the status of your inventory? QuickBooks can tell you what you need to know.


Are You Using QuickBooks' Sales Tools?

Do you create sales goals for your company? Many business owners don't. We understand that. 你花了很多时间在运营上,以至于有时很难为接下来的几个月做计划. 而且你可能不愿意对未来的销量做出有根据的猜测.

QuickBooks可以通过帮助你回顾过去来帮助你展望未来,主要是通过它 sales reports. One approach is to identify your best customers 因为他们可能是你2023年最有希望的人. You'll find this information by going to the Company Snapshot. Click Snapshots in the toolbar and make sure the Company tab is highlighted. Find the Top Customers by Sales chart and set the date range for a past period. Click the Customer tab for more information about historical sales.

 图1 -你最好的客户可能是你已经拥有的客户. QuickBooks can help you identify them.
图1:你最好的客户可能是你已经拥有的客户. QuickBooks can help you identify them.

You can find other sales reports in the Report Center. Go to Reports | Report Center and click on Sales. Customizable reports here include Sales by Customer and Sales by Item, as well as Sales by Rep. There's even a Pending Sales 报告,这将表明可能需要一些后续行动.

Should You Be Creating Estimates?

当然,这取决于你所在公司的业务类型. 例如,如果你做草坪工作或电脑维修,给潜在客户一个 estimate 会帮助他们决定是否继续使用产品或服务. 它也可以成为谈判的起点.

如果您已经在QuickBooks中创建了发票,则估算将很容易. Open the Customers menu and click Create Estimates. Select a Customer:Job and verify the Date and Estimate # and give it a Due Date,以便客户知道评估何时到期. 输入产品或服务及其建议的数量和价格, then save and send or print the estimate.

TIP: Would you rather have the Due Date field read something like Expires? We can show you how to modify labels on forms.

How Much Inventory Do You Have?

无论你是在Etsy上销售独一无二的商品还是几十种相同的产品,这些信息都是至关重要的. 当您在QuickBooks中创建项目记录以用于发票,估算等时., 您应该使用软件的库存跟踪工具, 所以你总是知道什么时候电量不足(或耗尽).

 图2 -当您完成商品记录中的这些字段时,您将始终知道库存中有多少商品.

Open the Lists menu and select Item List. Open the Item menu in the lower left and click New. Select Inventory Part under Type. 在打开的窗口中,用有关产品的信息填写表单的顶部. At the bottom of the screen is a section labeled Inventory Information, as pictured above. Complete the following fields:

  • Asset Account. This should be set to the default, Inventory Asset.
  • Reorder Point (Min) and (Max). QuickBooks在每次销售时都会减少库存中的商品数量. 在什么时候你想要被警告你快没电了?
  • On Hand. How many do you have right now?
  • Total Value. QuickBooks calculates this field.
  • As of. Make sure the current date is the one you want.

If you let yourself run out of a particular item, or if you try to sell more than you have on hand, 当您尝试为该产品创建发票或销售收据时,会收到一个警告,上面写着 你们手头没有足够的数量来销售这项商品.

Make It a Good Year

当然还有其他QuickBooks工具可以用来改善你的财务前景, which will be addressed throughout the year. In the meantime, 如果您需要本专栏所涵盖的材料的帮助,或者想了解可以帮助您的业务成功的其他功能,请不要犹豫,打电话给我.

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