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Receiving Payments in QuickBooks

有很多方法可以优先安排你的工作日. Do the most difficult things first. Get important phone calls out of the way. Respond to customer emails.

但是,当你看到需要做的事情时,很可能会优先考虑一项活动:记录付款. 虽然你可能在这个过程中非常小心, 你的行动要准确,这很重要. If they're not, 你要么会损失你已经赚到的钱,要么会因为要求客户付款they’而激怒客户.

QuickBooks comes with some helpful pre-defined payment types; however, 您还可以灵活地编辑该列表并添加新类型. To see your list, open the Lists menu and select Customer & Vendor Profile Lists, then Payment Method List. This window opens:


若要更改此列表,请单击。右侧的向下箭头 Payment Method. 通过从这个菜单中选择项目,您可以添加、编辑和删除付款方式. 你也可以使一个暂时不活动,如果由于某种原因,你不打算支持该选项,但don’不想删除它, either. Click in the box next to Include Inactive 如果你想让它留在列表中(它旁边会出现一个X). When you want to reinstate it, open the Payment Method menu again and select Make Payment Method Active.

搜索使用特定支付方式的每笔交易, highlight it in the list and select Find in Transactions. QuickBooks will open the Find window with that filter already applied.


Applying the Funds

理想情况下,您或您的员工将经常与 Receive Payments screen frequently. To get there, open the Customers menu and select Receive Payments, or click Receive Payments on the home page. 如果您正在记录将应用于您发送的发票的付款,则将使用此屏幕.

Figure 2: The Receive Payments screen in QuickBooks

首先,通过单击右字段中的向下箭头选择一个客户 RECEIVED FROM. 如果有未付发票,将在下表中显示. Enter the PAYMENT AMOUNT ,并根据需要更改日期. 点击代表支付方式的图标. 如果你没有看到它,点击下面的向下箭头 MORE and add it or select it. Your chosen icon will turn green. Then:

  • For cash or e-checks: Just enter any REFERENCE # needed.
  • For checks: Enter the CHECK #.
  • For credit/debit cards:如果您已经在客户的记录中保存了客户的首选付款方式, the number will fill in automatically. 如果不是,或者需要修改,请手动输入. 如你所知,你需要一个商户账户才能接受信用卡/借记卡和电子支票. 如果你还没有设置一个并且想要设置,让我们来帮助你.

如果付款金额等于所有未付发票的总额, 在表中每行的第一列中将有一个复选标记. If the payment is for any less than the CUSTOMER BALANCE 在右上方,QuickBooks会自动首先支付最早的发票. You'll also see an UNDERPAYMENT box in the lower left corner. 点击你的偏好前的按钮(留下少付或注销额外).

When you're done, click one of the Save buttons.

Other Types of Payments

You'll also use the Receive Payments 记录首付款和超额付款的窗口. 在某些情况下,你还需要填写其他表格来证明收入. For example, 如果客户为尚未开具发票的产品或服务支付了部分款项, you'd use a Payment Item. 在收到产品时付款的客户将获得一个 Sales Receipt.


This may all sound a little confusing. 但如果你对记录不同类型付款的正确方法有了透彻的了解,就不会这样了. 我们可以和您一起检查所有这些,以确保您的收入记录正确, 当错误发生时,哪一种方法比试图追溯所走的路线花费的时间更少.

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